SULAT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sulat v {1} [A; c] write s.t.
Ngánung gisulatan man nímu ang bungbung, Why did you write on the wall?
Pagkúhà ug papil ug isulat ri, Get a piece of paper and write this down.
{2} [A; a] write a letter, story.
Ákù pang sulatun ring ákung humwurk, I still have to write out my homework.
Gisulatan siya nákù, I wrote him a letter.
n {1} letter, mail.
{2} written or printed message.
() n entry of the parties name into marriage records.
pa-() v [A1] have entries made for marriage records.
-anan() n writing desk.
ka-an() n {1} collection of writings.
baláang Holy Scriptures.
{2} set of written records.
mag-r-() n writer.
paN-n writing as an avocation or profession.
tag-, tag-() n author.

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