PARA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pára {1} sa, [dat.
] for.
{1a} for the sake or benefit of.
Nag-dala kug isdà pára nímu, I brought some fish for you.
{1b} in the direction of.
Mau ba ning barkúha pára sa Manílà?
Is this the boat for Manila?
{1c} in the estimation of.
Pára nákù paríha ra ang duha, For me, its all the same.
{1d} as change for money.
Dúna ka bay sinsíyu pára sa diyis písus?
Do you have change for ten pesos?
{1e} with an end to.
Gáwig Isu Tayudyan pára sa mas daghang maáni, Use Esso Thiodian for a better harvest.
{2} [verb] for the purpose of, in order to, so that.
Ímung sigáhan pára malútù dáyun, Turn the heat up so that it will get done right away.
{2a} [noun referring to action] to be used in [doing].
Ákung gawíun ning kardburd pára paypay, I will use the cardboard for a fan.
{3} alas ([so-and-so] many minutes) before [such-and-such an hour].
Karun bayinti minú-tus pára alas singku, It is now twenty minutes to five oclock.
{4} [noun] all it is is [noun] and yet .
Pára dalugdug ug unyà matarantr ka dáyun, All it is is thunder and you get wild with fright.
{4a} just because [so-and-so] is the case.
Pára gamayng sayup ímung papahawáun dáyun?
For such a small mistake you want to fire him right away?
{4b} [such-and-such] a bad thing is nothing.
Maáyu siyag láwas.
Pára nawung ray dipirinsiya, She has a nice body.
The only thing wrong with her is her face.

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