AYIS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ayis n ice.
bag n ice bag.
v [b6] apply an ice bag to.
baks n refrigerator.
drap n popsicle.
v [A; a12] make, make into a popsicle.
kap = ayis bag.
kindi n ice candy.
krim n ice cream.
v [A13; a12] make, make into ice cream.
kiyub n ice cubes.
pik n ice pick.
v [a1] use an ice pick on, stab with an ice pick.
v {1} [a] make ice.
Maáyu muayis ang ripridiyirítur, The refrigerator makes ice well.
{2} [B3; c1P] freeze.
Dalì rang muayis (maayis, mag-ayis) ang ayis kindi kun ibutang sa prísir, The ice candy will freeze quickly if you put it in the freezer.
{3} [A; b5] preserve s.t.
with ice.
Inaysan ba nang isdà?
Has that fish been kept with ice?

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