PRAKTIS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

praktis v {1} [A; a2] rehearse, train s.
Akuy mupraktis sa mga bátà ug kanta, Ill train the children how to sing.
{2} prac-tice, rehearse.
Magpraktis ta sa átung drama, Lets practice our drama.
{3} [A; b6] practice ones profession.
Mupraktis kug makapasar ku sa bár, I will practice law if I pass the bar.
n prac-tice or rehearsal.
Lisdan ku magkinatsilà kay wà na kuy praktis, I have a hard time speaking Spanish because I dont have prac-tice.
walay {1} unskilled (as if lacking practice).
{2} rough, accustomed to inflicting pain (derived from the sarcastic usage where s.
good in fighting refers to himself as walay praktis un-practiced).
Makatilaw ka giyud íning kúmù kung way praktis, If you dont watch out, Ill smack you one with my unpracticed fists.
titsing n practice teaching.
v [A; b(1)] do practice teach-ing.
praktisádu a 1 proficient from having practiced.
Praktisádu nà siya sa karáti, He is proficient in karate.
{2} brawny due to constant body-building.
v [B126] be, become well-practiced or trained in s.t.

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