UNA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

úna n {1} ahead, earlier.
Ákung turnu kay úna kaáyu ku nímu, Its my turn because I was here well before you.
{2} the one that is first in position.
Ang Únang Gínang, The First Lady.
{2a} sa in former times.
Sa úna way sugà, In former times there was no electricity.
mga -ng táwu the people of former times.
{2b} first, not second.
sa tanan above all.
sa nga lugar in the first place.
Dì ka katagáan.
Sa únang lugar pilyu ka, You cant get any.
In the first place, youre naughty.
v {1} [A; a2b2] do s.t.
the first thing, or ahead of s.
Muúna ku ug tindug.
Sunud lang, I will stand up first.
Just follow suit.
Unáhun ku ni ug lútù, I will cook this first.
{1a} [A123S; b8] beat s.
to s.t.
Ákù ning syáha.
Akuy nakauna áni, This is my chair.
I got it first.
Hiunhan siyag mata sa adlaw.
Alas syíti nang mimata, He woke up late (lit.
the sun got up before him).
It was already seven oclock.
{1b} [A; b6(1)] pay an amount in advance.
Muúna ku nímug diyis, I will advance you ten.
{2} [A2S; b(1)] be at the head, go ahead of others.
Muúna ku nímu kay nagdalì ku, I will go home before you because I am in a hurry.
Nag-una sila sa parid, They were at the head of the parade.
{3} [A13N; b(1)] do s.t.
to s.
Kinsa may nag-úna ninyung duha?
Which of you started it?
{4} [A23N; b(1)] flirt with a boy aggressively.
Gipaangkan hinúun si Mirli kay mau may miúna (nangúna) sa laláki, Merle got pregnant because she flirted too much with the boy.
sin utra a alternate, occurring one after the other.
Úna sin utra ang lalákig babáyi, The boys and the girls are put in alternate position (boy, girl, boy, girl).
() = úna, n1; v1, 1a, 1b, 2.
v [A23; b] give unwanted advice.
Muuna mu nákù?
Ulahi ra mu kaáyu sa dúyan, What are you giving me advice for when you are way younger than me?
pa-v {1} [A; a1c] for a woman to have premarital relations.
Dì maáyu nga mupaúna sa láki, Its not good for a woman to have relations with a man before marriage.
{2} [A13] let s.
do s.t.
to one first.
Sa sumbagay dì giyud siya paúna, He wont let his opponent get the first blow in a fight.
pa-() = paúna, v1.
unauna v [A1; a12] do s.t.
ahead of others when it is not proper or usual.
Dì ka makaunaunag lingkud kay wà pa mulingkud ang pinasidunggan, You cannot sit down first because the honoree has not taken his seat yet.
Unaunaha nig lung-ag, Cook this ahead in a hurry.
pasi-, pasi-() v [A; c] {1} say s.t.
by way of introduction, before s.
{2} say or convey s.t.
in advance.
Mupasiuna lang ku nímu nga dì ku makaanhi ugmà, Ill tell you in advance that I cant come here tomorrow.
Ipasiuna ku lang ni nímung kwartáha, Im just giving you this money in advance.
n {1} s.t.
preliminary or a preface.
{2} advance notice.
unáhan n {1} place up ahead.
{2} further.
Ang íla unáhan ra kaáyus taytáyan, Their place is a considerable distance up beyond the bridge.
pangunáhan v [A23] be the leader in a novena.
n {1} s.t.
placed in front of s.t.
Pangunáhang ligid, Front tires.
{2} one who is in the limelight.
Pangunáhang papil, Starring role.
kinaunahan, kinaunáhan n the very first.
maunaunahun, unaunahun a {1} one who provokes trouble.
Kanúnay siyang makakitag áway kay unaunahun man, He always finds himself in a fight because he is a trouble-maker.
{2} forward with women.

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