GANANSIYA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ganansiya n {1} profit from a transaction.
{2} ones o?
spring (humorous slang).
v {1} [A2; a2] make profit.
Makaganansiya ka kun patas-an nímu ang prisyu, You can make a profit if you raise the price.
Pílay ganansiyahun sa usa ka rím sigarilyu?
How much profit do you get from a carton of cigarettes?
{2} [A12] have an advantage over s.t.
Nakaganansiya siya sa kuntra kay dakùdakù siya, He has an edge over his opponent because he is much bigger.
pa- v [A; b6] make a profit on s.
Dì ku mupaganansiya nímu ug dakù, I will not make a big profit on you.

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